This week the country is being battered by yet another storm. Babet is sweeping across the UK from Cornwall to the Highlands, with high winds and a month of rain in just 4 days. Yet again, we do seem to be taking a bit of a pasting.
This latest in a pattern of extreme weather has even caused the Met Office to issue a rare Red Warning. Storm Babet now poses a risk to life and as such schools and roads may be closed. Doubtless the TV channels will show us all the destructive powers of bad weather. Rivers will overflow from the rain while trees will topple. Which brings us to a question about how your signage will cope in this latest assault from the weather
The impact of bad weather on your signage
Heavy rain mixed with high winds can be lethal for signage. The two operate like a tag team. Joints will open and seals pushed aside to let in water to short the lighting and electrical fittings. The fixings and weather flashings will be teased and pulled on to try and bring the entire signage unit down to the floor.
When your sign develops a fault – electrical or structural – which presents a risk to others it is something you simply must get sorted immediately. The alternative – bad publicity in local press – can cause tremendous damage to your business. But you should never assume that if your sign looks perfectly well it is therefore safe and secure.
A sign that appears fine and fixed securely can in fact be anything but the case. The storms we have endured in recent years will have already put your signage through a serious test. The damage may already have happened which you can’t yet see. And now the heavy rain can leak inside to attack the electrics. Tapes and seals will become wet and lose grip. And while water does its work, the winds will push and tug away, weakening the fixings. The sub-facia will be wet through, compromising the sign to let it slip away from your property.
Keeping your signage safe and secure
Storm Babet could easily be the final straw for your signage. So it is vital you check your signs in the coming weeks. An inspection by Cygnia will quickly spot any issues. Any water ingress, weak fixings and softened sub facias can be checked and repairs made to prevent a disaster. A simple visit could save you time and money dealing with the effects of a failed sign. If you’re wondering if your signage may have issues, contact us today. We’re always ready to help you keep your signage looking amazing – and safe too.