Are Your Signs Good Enough To Last?

Cygnia maintenance - the importance of using quality signs

Moving on with our series looking at issues with your signs this month, let’s take a step back and go over the signage itself. Quality of materials and construction is a major factor in signage failure. Are Your Signs Good Enough To Last?

In previous articles about signage safety, we have been looking at various factors around your signage which can cause it to fail. One area that also needs to be considered is the signage itself.

When you ask for a sign to be made for your business, the sign makers should make the effort to ensure it is created in compliance with BS559. This standard specifies the design and construction of signs for publicity, decorative and general purposes, and was laid out in 2009 and supersedes the previous standard created in 1998.

The standard was revised to incorporate a number of important revisions, including:

  • New calculations of resistance to wind pressures
  • Specifications for the foundations for fixed free-standing signs
  • Coverage of protection from corrosion
  • New details for protection from damage by birds and rodents
  • LED requirements
  • Guidance for working with vinyl films

It’s worth noting that there is a new update to this standard currently underway. The draft of the new standard is currently receiving public comments, with publication slated for late July 2022.

Choosing the right materials and construction methods is critical for assign to work for the accepted lifetime of 10 years. As can be determined from the list above, this includes making sure the sign is using vinyls which will resist deforming during summers freezing winters, and UV safe inks for print.

Quality Is More Than Skin-Deep

These are of course the more visual aspects. The construction of the sign is also extremely important. Exterior-grade materials should only be used, including seals and flexible sealants, to thwart water, dirt and pollutants from getting inside. Adequate ventilation should be incorporated to vent out heat. And preventing pest from gaining access, and thus avoiding them cause mayhem, is crucial.

Sadly, in far too many case the signage above a premises are not built to an acceptable standard. They use interior grade fixings in their construction, domestic electrical parts, and vinyls which cannot withstand strong sunlight. All will cause some form of signage failure.

As the UK’s largest network of signage maintenance engineers, retailers rely on us to spot problems before they become a danger to their staff and the public. Our engineers carefully check signs every single day to make sure they meet BS559 and help retailers who may own signage that no longer meets this standard. Contact us today to discuss your sign and its construction, and we’ll help you ensure your sign are good enough to last. It’s maintenance that’s cost-effective and helps keeps you on the right side of the law.

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