A mentioned by the press is great for your business. But not if you are featured due to a serious accident.
Falling signage is a situation no business ever wants to find themselves in. And managing signage safety is an essential way to avoid this, and keep customers and employees safe.
The Cygnia Health Check service and regular planned maintenance allows you to achieve optimal levels of sign safety across your entire estate and avoid painful or costly accidents. All too often we encounter signs fixed to deteriorating timber sub-fascia, or signs installed with insufficient or inappropriate fixings for the sub-fascia and substrate.
As part of our core PPM service offering we include our essential ‘Sign Health Check’ to test the safety, security and effectiveness of your current signage fixing.
Our additional health check services include
Full removal of signage to give an unobstructed view of the sub-fascia substrate.
Full / part replacement of sub-fascia materials, providing a sound fixing for signage to be re-instated
Re-installation of signage using improved fixing methods and fixing materials
Checking the presence of flashing, repair, replace as required
Incorporation of an LED upgrade/retrofit.
Contact us for a Sign Health Check for your retail signage. And avoid your business being adversely featured in the press for falling signage.